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What is Energy Healing?

This is a common question that many tend to ask and so, I have decided to dedicate this post to try and explain what it is and how it works (in the most simplest way possible).

Firstly, it is important to understand that everything in the universe is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies – this includes you, me, plants, trees, crystals, your pets, your chair, your car, your home, a pen, a piece of garbage, and even the empty space around you. Yes, absolutely everything! Even the words that we speak, the thoughts that we create in our mind, and our emotions are essentially made of energy.

Inanimate objects only appear "solid" because their rate of vibration ("wobble") is way too slow for us humans to actually perceive with our limited five senses. And here is something good to note too, not only does everything give off/release energy, it also absorbs. For example objects and houses can absorb your energy. Have you ever noticed when you walk into someone's house or a room, and suddenly something feels "off"? Like the energy is not quite right? This is usually due to the energetic residue left behind by a person/people who were previously there (and perhaps a disagreement had occurred in the room, or it could just be the energetic residue of someone who operates in much lower vibrations. If you are "in tune" it is not hard to miss these sensations). With that said, it is important for each of us to become aware of our energetic output and how we are affecting our environment and also those around us. Getting into the healthy habit of cleansing your energy field or space/home is an absolute must (in our books) to reduce the build up of old/stagnant energy (it's like a build up of dust). In turn, we create space for the "new".

Now, if we got "scientific" and broke down the human body into the smallest known particles ("quarks" - which is the next level down from an atom), these subatomic particles only make up a tiny portion of the body’s mass. So, what makes up the rest of the body’s mass? You guessed it, energy. Scientists believe that almost all the body’s mass is made of energy that comes from the kinetic (kinetic means "moving") energy of the quarks and the binding energy of gluons. Hence, we are very much ENERGETIC BEINGS.

And here’s a random fun fact to throw into the mix: almost all of ordinary matter (99.9999999% of it) is empty space, and if you took out all of the space in our atoms, the entire human population (all 7.8 billion of us) would fit into the volume of a single sugar cube. How mind boggling is that!

Now it is said that the human body is made of five energetic layers (or "energetic bodies"). The first energetic layer is our Physical layer. Expanding outwards from there, we have four more subtle energetic layers, which collectively form our "aura" or "energy field". These four energetic layers are known as our Etheric, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual layers, and it is within our aura that much of our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual characteristics are stored (including any trauma or pain).

Within our bodies we also have what is known as "chakras" or "energy centres" (imagine a vortex or tornado that can suck in and also release energy), nadis, and meridians (which are various energy channels – think of it as an intricate train network, something like Japan Railways or London Underground). These various energy centres, channels, and our aura, form what is called our body’s "energy system". These energy systems are said to be energetically connected to our physical organs, glands, and bodily systems. When the energy flow to these bodily systems are "out of balance" or disrupted, the body’s physical organs and systems are less able to fight against dis-ease and injury. Our immune system also weakens across many different levels. Some quick examples of what happens when we have increased "energetic blocks" are: depression, anxiety, fatigue, excessive worrying, uncontrollable anger, resentment, fluctuations in appetite, compulsive or unhealthy behaviours such as excessive spending, or even addictions such as excessive drinking, or drug/substance abuse etc.

Therefore, Energy Healers or Energy Practitioners believe that it is not enough to just simply treat the physical body, we must also evaluate and treat the aura and the energy centres and channels, and this is what Energy Healing typically does. It focuses on treating our energy system.

What is Energy Healing and how does it work?

Energy Healing is a broadly used term for various types of therapies that stimulate energy flow in or around the human body. It is a holistic practice that focuses on restoring balance and harmony within the body, mind, and spirit. The main objective of energy healing modalities is to activate the body’s subtle energy systems to help remove and/or clear any energetic blocks. In return, this promotes healing within your body and improves your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. The concept of energy healing is rooted in ancient healing practices from various cultures, including Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, and indigenous healing traditions.

The fundamental principle behind energy healing is that disruptions or blockages in the body's energy flow (especially if left unresolved over a long period of time), can lead to physical, emotional, or mental imbalances and ultimately manifest as illness or disease. Energy healers work to clear these blockages, enhance the flow of energy, and promote healing on multiple levels.

Western medicine tends to focus purely on providing temporary relief through the use of medications and "instant fixes", and while these can be great in the short-term, they only ever provide temporary relief and are not actually dealing with the root cause of the issue. Much of our physical illnesses and disorders can be linked back to some sort of disruption within our energy system or mental state (psychosomatic - mind and body connection) and the ancients understood this, and that is why they developed various energy healing modalities which are still used to this day in the East, and now becoming more popular and accepted in the West.

The most common energy healing practices that we hear about are: Acupuncture, Reflexology, Kinesiology, Reiki and Pranic Healing. Yoga could also be considered as a type of energy healing practice as it utilises various postures and breathing techniques to induce relaxation, improve strength/flexibility, and thus assists with the flow of energy in our body. Other types of energy healing include: Chakra Balancing, Crystal Healing, Sound Healing/Therapy, Colour Therapy, Spiritual Healing, Qigong, Tai Chi and the list goes on and on…

It would be good to note that unlike Western medicine or treatments, these therapies are not "quick fixes" and can require regular treatment (long-term commitment) before one can start to truly see the benefits, particularly when trying to heal a chronic, physical condition. This is often because some of us could be carrying years or even decades of trauma (e.g. from our childhood) in our energy field, and may not even be aware of how our past traumas could be affecting us from progressing forward in our lives today. That said, with conscious action, an open mind, and the deep desire to heal, we can gradually release these energy blockages, and eventually return ourselves to an optimal state of being. And this is where the fun starts and we can start to experience true bliss. This is when we can live our lives fully!

It is important to note that while many people report positive experiences with energy healing, it is still considered a "complementary" or "alternative" modality and ideally, should be used alongside modern medicine/treatments to support the healing process (where appropriate). It is also crucial to seek out qualified practitioners and always check with your doctor before engaging in these services, particularly if you are on any serious medication.

I hope that the above information has been helpful and insightful to you. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Also, if you're interested in receiving an energy healing session with me, head on over to our services page. I offer Pellowah Healings which are just divine (in my personal opinion anyway)!

Until next time, please keep your vibes high and remember to treat all objects/people around you with the love and respect it deserves (because they can "feel" it. ;)


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