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About Us

Honest Flow was first conceptualised by Tayo in late 2019, and began offering our energy healing services shortly after in 2020 (during the pandemic). That said, we did not officially launch our business until late April 2024. Yes, it took us that long to decide to launch! Truth be told, a lot of time was spent procrastinating (slaying multiple inner demons and healing childhood wounds) before we found the courage to finally follow our higher calling and take the "big leap of faith" and thus, bid farewell to the corporate world at the end of September 2023 (aka sacrificed a stable income, took a long pause to recalibrate our nervous system, and then, went "all in" with our spiritual business endeavours).

As our business name suggests, we are all about being completely "honest" and "in flow" with the Universe. Our hearts are open, ready and willing to welcome in anyone that is seeking guidance or spiritual healing. We strive to accept people just as they are, and act purely as guides to assist people on their path of deep, self understanding. We know in our heart of hearts that the Universe will lead those in need to us in accordance with "divine timing". As it always has, and always will. :)

Honest Flow's mission is to create energetic ripples of positive change by helping as many souls as possible to realign to their hearts, discover their inner light and thereby, tap into their highest potential.

We offer various holistic healing practices and shamanic rituals to support your journey of spiritual healing, deep emotional release, and self empowerment. In addition, we leverage off ancient tools and practices such as Numerology, Astrology and the use of Tarot/Oracle cards and other divination tools to help you gain profound insights and deep revelations about your soul's uniquely orchestrated path.


As Eckhart Tolle states, "self awareness is the greatest agent for change", and this is the key to unlocking the door towards the most authentic version of yourself!

In future, we intend to hold various workshops and 1:1 coaching programs that are open to both men and women, as we innately understand the sacredness of ALL GENDERS, regardless of one's preference or lifestyle choices. We simply see souls in human avatars - nothing more, nothing less. We do not discriminate nor judge people based on their appearance, social class, past mistakes or current choices. Our daily mantra being, "What would LOVE do?" That said, we do reserve the right right to decline our services to anyone deemed as acting inappropriately or presenting themselves in a highly toxic or disruptive manner.

We believe in bringing together the old and the new and therefore, integrating both traditional and modern methods to take you to the next level of consciousness. Think of us as an "honest friend" who will hold space, proactively listen, and provide you with just enough guidance and tips to help you get back on track. Our job is to simply "light the way", and it is up you to walk the path (or not). At the end of the day, everyone has "free will" to do as they please. We are not here to force nor chase anyone. That is not our job. We completely trust in the natural flow of life and allow things to unfold as intended - for whatever will be, will be! "Que sera, sera!"

We envision a world where everyone honours and respects each other's individuality, creativity, and lifestyle choices. We envision a world where everyone understands our divine interconnection and unity - a world of inclusiveness as opposed to exclusiveness. We dream of a world where everyone is free to be vulnerable and express their true nature without fear of judgement. A world that understands that we are ALL deserving of abundance and prosperity, and an awareness that life has never been a race nor competition. Life is truly about gaining "experience" and sharing our unique gifts with one another.

Our divine mission is to reduce the separation by teaching the importance of unconditional love, compassion, and genuine acceptance of all. We aim to assist humanity to become more harmonious, peaceful and highly aware beings that lead with their hearts, rather than their heads.

We sincerely hope that we can spark something within you, so you can start radiating your own YOU-NIQUE LIGHT too. Together, we CAN transform the world for the greater good, but... IT MUST FIRST START WITH YOU!

So, are you ready to face your shadows? Are you ready to let go of all that does not serve you and genuinely heal? Are you ready to shine and show up as the most empowered version of yourself? If your answer is YES, get in touch! While we can't promise that it will be a smooth journey (it rarely ever is) - what we can promise you, is that we'll always hold a safe, non-judgemental space for all our clients to flourish and progress at their own pace.

Thank you for all that you are, and all that you will be. The best is yet to come! :)

With heartfelt love and gratitude,


P.S. If you vibe with what we represent, please feel free to share our page to any lost or broken souls in your life.

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